The New Single


One has to be patient when it comes to getting new stuff up his anus, but there you go. One shall now download the new single of the world famous Redneck Zombiez that is almost 4 minutes long. On the “R” side of the prominent material one shall find the (We Are) The Redneck Crew anthem of every gutgrinding bastard on the whole Earth (and in Hell for that matter), whereas on the “Z” side one shall enjoy the other awesomeness that is called The Gorephabet and which will be taught in primary schools all over the world next year. Now you are to head over to this link:




or one can just click on the cover on the right side of the site, or one also can pop over to the Downloaths section from where it can also be obtained (lyrics included to sing them along with the horde!). The cover was designed by our honourary zombie friend Balázs “Retina” Katona. Enjoy!


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